Mall Pet Stores: The Beginning of The End

I’ve been following the story of the move some cities in California made to ban all pet stores that actually sold animals. This was made in an attempt to curb the sale of dogs and cats sourced from puppy mills and kitten factories. I talked about how, as a teenager, one of the only stores I ever liked stopping at in the mall was the pet store. I wondered where that pet store got its animals. The era of pet stores in malls might be coming to an end. California-based company Macerich, which owns shopping malls all across the country, … Continue reading

Insurance Blog Week in Review – May 13 – 19, 2012

Once a week, the Insurance Blog Week in Review gives you a brief description of all of the blogs that were posted in the past seven days. There could be anywhere between twelve and fourteen blogs that appear here weekly. Did you miss something? Now is your chance to “ketchup”. Governor Christie Vetoes Insurance Exchange New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has vetoed a bill that would have set up an online marketplace for health insurance. He feels that it is too early to set up his state’s insurance exchange, and is waiting to see what the Supreme Court decides about … Continue reading

An Easier Way to Find Pet Insurance

Are your pets covered by a good pet insurance policy? In some ways, a pet insurance plan is similar to a health insurance plan for humans. It can cover the medical bills that come from the health care that your pet requires. A website called Pet Insurance Quotes makes it easy for you to find a great pet insurance plan. According to the BBC, the amount of money that people spend on their pets has been increasing, even during the years when unemployment was high. Around 65% of the total amount spent on pets is for food and veterinary costs. … Continue reading

Natural Disaster Emergency Pet Plan

The National Guard helps evacuate households, pets included My county was one of the hardest hit by Hurricane Irene in my state. Trees fell on power lines and even houses. Some people in areas right by the water had to evacuate and thousands of people lost power, with many not getting it back for days. I knew in my area I didn’t have to worry about evacuating – the only people who did so lived right on the beach and we’re 100 feet above sea level. But I knew we might face days without power, and because we’re on a … Continue reading

How to Avoid Insurance Claims This Christmas

If your family celebrates Christmas, your home is probably filled with decorations right now. Those decorations might be beautiful, and looking at them might bring a smile to your face, as you think of memories of Christmas from previous years. Unfortunately, many Christmas decorations come with their own, potential, risks. Here is some advice about how to avoid having to file insurance claims this Christmas. Is your Christmas tree a real one? If so, you need to be especially careful about open flames. Real trees have a tendency to dry out very quickly. If there are lit candles, or a … Continue reading

Fireworks and Family—Who’s Looking After the Family Pets?

We’ve talked about keeping children safe and what sort of legal (or illegal) issues we need to be concerned about when it comes to the Fourth of July—but what about the family pets? Who is looking after the family pets and making sure that THEY stay safe during the often tumultuous Independence Day celebrations? All the loud noise and the sparks and fire are very scary for most family pets—dogs, cats, rabbits, etc. Each year, humane society’s and animal shelters end up filled to bursting with domestic pets that get frightened, disoriented and run away during the Fourth of July … Continue reading

Paperwork and Passwords

There is nothing like getting ready to go on vacation that makes you realize how much needs to be done around the house. I’m leaving on Saturday to go to Maryland for a week. Hailey and Josh are coming over to housesit and keep the dog. I keep finding things I need to do before they come over. I’ve spent my time after work cleaning, vacuuming, doing laundry and pulling weeds. I still need to pack. Based on airline guidelines I’m trying to decide what to take and what I can live without. It will be much easier to pack … Continue reading

Effects of House Break-ins on Young Children

Have you had your house broken into? If the statistics are to be believed then there is a pretty good chance that you either have been or you will be. Although a robbery is a traumatic event for anyone to go through, the effect on young children is often longer term than that for adults. When your home is broken into there are several effects that the incident has on the homeowner. The most obvious one is when treasured or valuable objects are taken. Then there is the sheer inconvenience of having to deal with insurance companies (if you are … Continue reading

Effects of House Break-ins on Young Children

Have you had your house broken into? If the statistics are to be believed then there is a pretty good chance that you either have been or you will be. Although a robbery is a traumatic event for anyone to go through, the effect on young children is often longer term than that for adults. When your home is broken into there are several effects that the incident has on the homeowner. The most obvious one is when treasured or valuable objects are taken. Then there is the sheer inconvenience of having to deal with insurance companies (if you are … Continue reading

Effects of House Break-ins on Young Children

Have you had your house broken into? If the statistics are to be believed then there is a pretty good chance that you either have been or you will be. Although a robbery is a traumatic event for anyone to go through, the effect on young children is often longer term than that for adults. When your home is broken into there are several effects that the incident has on the homeowner. The most obvious one is when treasured or valuable objects are taken. Then there is the sheer inconvenience of having to deal with insurance companies (if you are … Continue reading